We will discover the riddle behind Ek Paheli: Leela when it releases on April 10.
Its star Sunny Leone, meanwhile, is quite a riddle herself.
For instance, did you know this very sexy actress is a geek, and a bit of a 'dork'?

Its star Sunny Leone, meanwhile, is quite a riddle herself.
For instance, did you know this very sexy actress is a geek, and a bit of a 'dork'?
"I am a techie geek; not many people know about that. I know how to do HTML coding! Also, Photoshop and how to edit videos," she smiles.

"I also do a lot of knitting and stitching. I stitch baby blankets for all my pregnant friends!" she adds.
I can speak fluent Hindi. I grew up in a Punjabi home, ate Punjabi food everyday except for Fridays and Saturdays, as I would party on those days," Sunny, who was born and raised in Canada, says with a laugh. "I would indulge in aloo ke paratha with a dollop of butter, curd and aam ka achar (mango pickle). I still love to eat that. I would visit a Gurudwara every weekend and sang kirtans (holy songs) with my brother."
"Growing up, I was a tomboy," Sunny says. "I would play with GI Joe figurines rather than Barbie dolls. During my teenage years, I learnt karate and playing different sports like soccer and basketball."
"I am very clumsy in real life," Sunny says with a laugh. "I have to trip over myself at least once a day. I don’t get embarrassed but people around me do! On the sets, I often trip over lights, as there are so many wires lying around. I recently ran into my bike and have a big bruise on my leg."
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