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Genelia’s mommy diaries: Riteish has sit up with me in the night, changed Riaan’s diapers

Genelia’s mommy diaries: Riteish has sit up with me in the night, changed Riaan’s diapers

Genelia DSouza addresses the media for the first time after her delivery and talks about her motherhood.

Q.1 While juggling your home and baby, what becomes your top priority?
It’s undebatable that your baby is priority no. 1 even if your house is falling apart. It’s not easy because with a three-month-old baby you’re still figuring out how to go about things. But thankfully Riann sleeps through the night which has made me a happier mother. A happy mom can handle her priorities perfectly, react more positively and be able to cheer up the baby.

Q.2 What is your advice to new mothers?
I don’t think any mom needs any tips as there’s so much advice given by everyone around, some unwanted as well. I just want to tell new moms to enjoy their babies. I for one, love experiencing every moment and I’m sure each mom feels that way. No matter how much you’ve been told by others, it’s your own experience that matters
Q.3 What kind of mother would you call yourself?
Actually I do everything myself and am exhausted by evening. But I love it and I think being a mother is the most rewarding feeling. In fact, as the days go by, I remember my own mum. I think motherhood makes you thank your own mom the most.

Q.4 Have you taken any pointers from your mother or mother-in-law?
Actually both my mum and mum-in-law are instrumental in raising Riann. I listen to them, but both encourage me to do things on my own and give me the freedom and space to do it. I finally do what my instinct tells me. As my mum says, you’ll know what your child wants eventually and my motherin- law says that no mother is a bad mother.

Q.5 What kind of a father is Riteish?
From the time I was pregnant, Riteish has always maintained that it’s not just you, but we both are pregnant! I think that is a great thought for a dad. That’s the way it should be because when you grow together, enjoy your pregnancy and delivery together, you also start enjoying the responsibilities parenthood brings. Riteish has changed diapers, given Riann a bath and sat up with me in the night. I’m thankful my husband doesn’t think that bringing up the baby is just my job and enjoys it just as much.

Q.6 Do you think paternity leave should be legalised?
As much as the mother is responsible, I think it’s unfair that the father gets to spend so little time with his child because of other commitments. Riteish was very busy through my entire pregnancy, but he was very clear that 15-20 days after the delivery he would take time off for both of us.

Q. 7 Has motherhood changed you?
When I got married, I was asked whether I had changed and now I am asked how motherhood has changed me. I think the beauty is in being yourself and maintaining your individuality because that’s what is going to reflect in the child. The moment you try to be someone else, it’s gone. I’d like Riann to grow up knowing that his mum was this bubbly girl because that’s my personality.

Q.8 Do you miss the limelight?
Not at all! I mean I’d love to get back to work but I don’t miss anything in life. I don’t think: ‘Oh my god why did I do this?’ Now I have begun to step out once in a while. In fact, this is the first event I’ve attended in a year.

Q.9 How do you guard your privacy as the media loves to click celebrity mothers and their babies?
Riteish and I haven’t really stepped out withRiann, but when we do, I don’t think we’ll have that much of an issue if the press behaves responsibly.

Q.10 Is there undue pressure on celebrity moms to look a certain way? What do you think?
Everyone puts that pressure. I think when you’re pregnant, it’s the one phase in your life when you can become as fat as you want without anyone saying anything to you. But having said that, I had a great time being pregnant and thatcontinues in the post-pregnancy phase as well.
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