New Delhi: Since past few weeks, Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan's upcoming film 'Sultan' has been the talk of the entertainment world. Whether be its freshly released stills or mind-blowing teaser, the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial venture has successfully captured the minds and souls of audiences by flaunting macho side of the 50-year-old actor.
But, do you guys know why 'Baijaan' of B-Town signed this movie? If no, we are here to your rescue. He reportedly signed the film to 'enjoy the pain of learning'. Yes, you read that right.
Recently, during a media interaction, Salman was quoted as saying, “The pain of learning, what these people have, which push you to the next level, somewhere I don't have that anymore. That is what I want to get back and that is the reason why I signed Sultan at 50 and enjoy the pain of learning.”
The film, which also features Anushka Sharma, is expected to hit the silver screens on Eid this year.
But, do you guys know why 'Baijaan' of B-Town signed this movie? If no, we are here to your rescue. He reportedly signed the film to 'enjoy the pain of learning'. Yes, you read that right.
Recently, during a media interaction, Salman was quoted as saying, “The pain of learning, what these people have, which push you to the next level, somewhere I don't have that anymore. That is what I want to get back and that is the reason why I signed Sultan at 50 and enjoy the pain of learning.”
The film, which also features Anushka Sharma, is expected to hit the silver screens on Eid this year.
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