Anushka Sharma’s maiden production NH10 has finally hit the screens today, but its release certainly wasn’t an easy one! Owing to Censor Board’s new rule of ‘cuss words ban’, the road trip film was scrutinized for violence and abuse. And despite the makers willing to pass it with an A certificate, the Censor panel led by Pahalaj Nihalani forced the film to undergo repetitive scans, even postponed its release date from March 6 to March 13, and then certified it an A that too after 9 cuts. This in turn has now caused a severe rift within the Censor Board members. A few members from the panel are totally against the Board’s decision. Ashoke Pandit was the first Board member to express his anger on Twitter. And now Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi, another senior Board member has expressed his objection on chopping cuss words from the film.
In a letter to CBFC chief, Dwivedi is reported to have demanded that the board’s list of banned cuss words should not be implemented without discussion with all the members. Dwivedi has also expressed in the letter that he is feeling “uncomfortable” being a CBFC member because “collective voice” is ignored in the way the board functions. He allegedly described certain cuts in Navdeep Singh’s directorial venture, as a ‘violation of trust’.
The matter has now reportedly been referred to minister of state for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore. Looks like NH10 is making an impact in and outside the theatre both. Watch out this space for latest updates on this controversy!
In a letter to CBFC chief, Dwivedi is reported to have demanded that the board’s list of banned cuss words should not be implemented without discussion with all the members. Dwivedi has also expressed in the letter that he is feeling “uncomfortable” being a CBFC member because “collective voice” is ignored in the way the board functions. He allegedly described certain cuts in Navdeep Singh’s directorial venture, as a ‘violation of trust’.
The matter has now reportedly been referred to minister of state for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore. Looks like NH10 is making an impact in and outside the theatre both. Watch out this space for latest updates on this controversy!
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