Like Sridevi's daughter Jhanvi Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh's daughter Sara Ali Khan is also a star material. She has already started grabbing limelight after posing with her mother for Hello magazine and then walking the ramp for designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla at industrialist Mukesh Ambani's lavish party. However, is her next step Bollywood?
Quoting Sara's stepmother and her father's current wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, a report says that Sara will not feature in any Bollywood movie in the near future. She says that Sara is at Columbia University in New York and is studying at one of the best schools in the world. Kareena also emphasizes that her father is proud of her.
In fact Kareena says that the pretty lass comes to India only for vacations and they hardly talk about Bollywood.
In fact Sara, who resembles her mom Amrita Singh, has decided to pursue Bollywood only after she completes her education. Both her parents also want her to finish studies and then choose the career of her liking. There were rumours that Sara might act in 'Aurangzeb. However, Amrita had then made it clear that she was signed for the film and not her daughter.
Quoting Sara's stepmother and her father's current wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, a report says that Sara will not feature in any Bollywood movie in the near future. She says that Sara is at Columbia University in New York and is studying at one of the best schools in the world. Kareena also emphasizes that her father is proud of her.
In fact Kareena says that the pretty lass comes to India only for vacations and they hardly talk about Bollywood.
In fact Sara, who resembles her mom Amrita Singh, has decided to pursue Bollywood only after she completes her education. Both her parents also want her to finish studies and then choose the career of her liking. There were rumours that Sara might act in 'Aurangzeb. However, Amrita had then made it clear that she was signed for the film and not her daughter.
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